Sunday, September 30, 2012

Deanna's Deal Exclusive!

Hello lovely readers, ready for a surprise?!

I've got some AMAZING items to share with you today, as well as a 
Deanna's Deals Only Coupon Code!!!

That's right! You get savings just for stopping by my blog!
How great is that?!?

This wonderful promotion comes from the super talented and creative people over at Colom and Brit Interiors

Colom and Brit Interiors offers their customers the chicest of homewares, "mixing complimentary styles, patterns and textures to create a home that is truly your own." 

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

Just looking for accessories? Check out their Under $50 page!
In the market for some bigger pieces? Make sure to peruse the furniture page! 

And now for that exclusive, Deanna's Deals Only coupon code!
Enter the code DDEALS (case sensitive) into the coupon box at checkout
to receive $10 off your order of $50 or more!
Offer expires October 10, 2012

Want to get more exclusive deals and updates from Colom and Brit Interiors?
Go like their Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter and Pinterest!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Must Haves

Now that the weather's FINALLY starting to cool down here on the East Coast, I thought it appropriate to share with you some of this season's must haves!

Please keep in mind that this is in no way a full list of what you need for fall (this season's just going to be too amazing fashion wise).

Keep cozy, and cute!

And, of course...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Liebster Award

Oh my goodness!
The wonderful Hayley over at Planet Mommy has nominated my blog for a Liebster Award!

This is the first official award my blog has been nominated for since it's start in May and I am so incredibly honored to have received it!

For those of you unfamiliar with the Liebster Award, it is an award "for blogs that have 200 followers or less. The word 'Liebster' is German for kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, valued, cute, pleasant, endearing and welcome!"

Thank you so much Hayley!!!

Rules for accepting the award:
1. Each person most post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the people you tag with the award.
3. Chose 5 bloggers (with less then 200 followers) and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the award (social networks accepted).
5. If you have not done so already, follow the tagger and visit at least three nominees. Spread the love!
6. And remember, no tag backs!
ONE: 11 Things you don't know about me.
1. I am a Biological Anthropology student.
2. I started a pseudo-bakery, Bella Dolci.
3. I LOVE to read (this is a relatively new hobby).
4. I am obsessed with polka dots and houndstooth patterns.
5. I LOVE thrift stores.
6. I am super short (4'10")...don't laugh :-P
7. My favorite color is Tiffany Blue.
8. I make purses and bags out of recycled floppy disks called Geek Chic.
9. I have an obsession with shoes, especially heels (see #6).
10. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years (Oct. marks it!)
11. My dog, Bella, might as well be my daughter with how spoiled she is.

TWO: Answers to questions given to me
1. What is your favorite season, and why?
  • I actually don't have a favorite season. However, I get super happy and relaxed at the beginning of each new season (especially when the weather calls for wardrobe changes!!!)
2. Would you rather travel to Hawaii or Italy, why?
  • Italy, because that's where my family is from!
3. Favorite quote or saying:
  • "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." ~E.E. Cummings
4. Do you prefer long hair or short?
  • Depends on the person. Long hair looks best on me, because my hair is so thick, but there are definitely some short looks I wish I could pull off!
5. If you were given one million dollars, how would you spend it?
  • Easy: pay off students loans and pay for the rest of schooling for me and my family, then invest the rest in a high interest account.
6. What is your decorating style?
  • Oh dear...boho chic meets art deco meets modern simplicity meets environmental meets vintage. Yeah, I'm kind of all over the place.
7. Are you a reader? If so, what's the latest book you read?
  • YES! The book I'm currently working on is called People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks. It's not my favorite, but it's not bad either! Just not my usual genre.
8. Favorite flavor of ice cream:
  • Fudge Brownie (the kind with the big chunks of chewy brownie pieces)!
9. What is something you want to accomplish within the next six months?
  • A 4.0 GPA for the semester!
10. Do blondes really have more fun?!
  • Absolutely not! Brunette's where it's at!!!
11. What's your favorite vacation spot?
  • Anywhere my family is! Love those crazies!
THREE: 11 Questions for the winners (I liked the questions I was asked, so I'm going to pass them on)
1. What is your favorite season, and why?
2. Would you rather travel to Hawaii or Italy, why?
3. Favorite quote or saying:
4. Do you prefer long hair or short?
5. If you were given one million dollars, how would you spend it?
6. What is your decorating style?
7. Are you a reader? If so, what's the latest book you read?
8. Favorite flavor of ice cream:
9. What is something you want to accomplish within the next six months?
10. Do blondes really have more fun?!
11. What's your favorite vacation spot?
FOUR: Winners! Go check them out!

Thank you again, Hayley! You made my day!

And, as always...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lust List

Chevron and Patterns, 
Lace Backs and Skinny Belts, 
Hi-Low Hemlines and Peter Pan Collars...
These are a few of my favorite things!

And guess what?!? No piece is above $15!

But wait, there's more!
Spend $65 or more at Charlotte Russe and receive FREE SHIPPING!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Simply Elegant Paper Crafts: Remembering Sean Smith - call for cards

A person very dear to me, and a fellow blogger, just posted this. Please read and share, in honor and memory of Sean Smith, one of the victims of Tuesday's embassy attack.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give Back

With yesterday being the 11th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, and the continuing violence and unrest in the world, I wanted to take a step away from sharing deals for a day.
Instead, I'd like to ask that people truly think about what you can do to make the world better. It could be something as small as helping your neighbor bring their trash cans back from the curb, or as involved as volunteering for your favorite charity or soup kitchen. Unless everyone takes the time to reflect on their own contributions to their community, and society as a whole, anger and caos will continue to plague our world. If more people would choose to focus on the positive and let go of their rage, I truly believe that things could get at least a little bit better, and that's better than things just staying the same, or even going downhill. Every act of good you partake in is in honor and memory of those who have lost their lives as a result of hate and anger. And while I usually advocate for saving your pennies, I also implore you, should you not be in the position to physically volunteer, to donate to an organization (that you trust) that can do good as a result of your donation.

No matter your religion, race, political affiliation, or anything like that, I wish you safety, happiness, and peace. 

Have a good day!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Deal Request: Hot Mama

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've posted.
School just started back up, though, so I'm going to ask that you bare with me for a bit while I get back into the swing of things.
This semester is going to be a crazy one.

Anyways, I'm going to make up for my time away...
Today, we have another deal request!

This one comes from a young, first time mom who wants to avoid the grungy, mom-jean phase, and instead have a wardrobe that's both cute and functional!

I'm going to present today's deals in the same way I did the last request, with 3 outfits, then a list of other items I've found. 

Top. $10
Pants. $15
Shoes. $17.50

Dress. $25
Shoes. $30

Top. $18
Pants. $25
Shoes. $10

Other Items




Take it easy momma's!

And as always...